
National Tree Day

“Do like the trees: they change their leaves and keep their roots. So change your ideas and keep your principles.” National Tree Day is ...

The importance of training

In order to build, improve and maintain our working relationships and internal processes, we are constantly investing time and effort in training. The last ...

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself – Henry Ford

THE VALUE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Nowadays, considering the climate/atmosphere of extremely uncertainty in which we operate, the organization and the people ...

The meaning of Red

Red is a very warm color, which is why it is associated with fire, love, passion, in contrast it is also associated to anger, violence and war as blood ...

The meaning of orange

Orange is a color that stimulates enthusiasm, fantasy and creativity, but it also expresses inner harmony and peace of mind as it possesses anti-stress ...

The meaning of Yellow

Yellow is the brightest end most energetic color, it is associated to enthusiasm, spontaneity and positivity and it has positive effects on humor but it ...

The meaning of brown

Brown is a symbol of loyalty, reliability, stability, constancy and materiality, it is the color most associated with the earth and contains the energy of ...

The meaning of Green

Green means peace, good luck, renewal, health, freshness, vitality and it is also the dominant color in the natural world, it surrounds us, and it is no ...

The meaning of blue

Blu is one of the colors considered the “safest” in the world. It is reliable, strong, authoritative, regal and calm, it is the color of control and ...

The meaning of Purple

Purple is related to power, nobility, luxury, wisdom and spirituality. Lighter shades are considered more romantic and stimulate creativity, the darker ...

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