The meaning of Yellow


Yellow is the brightest end most energetic color, it is associated to enthusiasm, spontaneity and positivity and it has positive effects on humor but it can also be associated to deception, cowardice and dangerous situation, which is why road signs carry this color.

The mining that it holds in various countries is highly controversial: in Japan it represent hope, good expectations and courage; in China it is the color reserved only for the imperial family, today it still represent wealth and royalty; in india it symbolizes thought and mental concentration and has the power to banish fear and worry; in east Europe e in Russia yellow flowers represent jealousy and bad luck; in Jewish culture it is unwelcome as it has symbolized Abraham’s children since the middle ages.

In design, bright yellow can give relief and cheer, a soft yellow is commonly used for children (as it is more neutral than blue and pink), and in editorial design it is used to indicate the mystery/ detective genre. The light yellows give a feeling of calm and lightness while the darker or gold-tinged ones may seem antique.

It is a very good choice for a funny, energetic and positive brand.

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