The meaning of brown


Brown is a symbol of loyalty, reliability, stability, constancy and materiality, it is the color most associated with the earth and contains the energy of red, the creativity of yellow and the calm of blue, it is honest, genuine and safe.

In Christianity it represent the renunciation of material goods, which is why the monks dress in brown, in Ethiopia and I India it is the color of mourning, of the body returning to earth.

In design, brown is commonly used as a background color. It is also used in wood or stone type textures. It brings a feeling of warmth and authenticity to the designs. It is sometimes used in its darker forms to substitute for black, in both web design and typography. Use brown to give your brand a feeling of nature, of the outdoors, after all, brown is the color of the earth and the bark of trees, and there is nothing more reliable than Mother Earth. You don’t usually see a lot of brown logos, so choosing this color will certainly help your brand stand out in a crowd.

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