
The meaning of Yellow

Yellow is the brightest end most energetic color, it is associated to enthusiasm, spontaneity and positivity and it has positive effects on humor but it ...

The meaning of brown

Brown is a symbol of loyalty, reliability, stability, constancy and materiality, it is the color most associated with the earth and contains the energy of ...

The meaning of Green

Green means peace, good luck, renewal, health, freshness, vitality and it is also the dominant color in the natural world, it surrounds us, and it is no ...

The meaning of blue

Blu is one of the colors considered the “safest” in the world. It is reliable, strong, authoritative, regal and calm, it is the color of control and ...

The meaning of Purple

Purple is related to power, nobility, luxury, wisdom and spirituality. Lighter shades are considered more romantic and stimulate creativity, the darker ...

The meaning of pink

Pink is a color that menages to positively influence the mood by transmitting hope, security and optimism. The softer shades are welcoming, friendly and ...

The meaning of White

White is the color of purity, of goodness and virtue, it is a clean, luxurious, bright color and is a symbol of calming influence and reflection. ...

The meaning of Grey

Gray, the result of the union between black and white, is a calm and reassuring color that helps to manage and appease emotions, stimulating reasoning and ...


The meaning of Black

Black is the strongest of the neutral color, it is commonly associated to power, elegance, formality but even to refinement, the reason is that in the past ...


DUEGI Packaging will be present at Milan Packaging Premiere from 24th to 26th May 2022. It is an exclusive fair/exhibition for all the companies that ...

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