Why do we promoting responsible forest management?
When forests thrive, people and business prosper too. In fact, forests help us more than we think…
Many forest areas are threatened by harmful practices such as illegal logging: more than 12 million hectares of forest* are lost every year – equivalent to around 150 tennis courts every minute.
(*Source: United Nations Environment Programme, Why do Forests Matter?)
We work with FSC as holders of FSC C105845 certificate. This certification allows us to ensure the origin of the raw material, and to use the FSC logo to market our products.
What is the purpose of FSC® Forest Week?
To realize its vision of a world where healthy, resilient forests support life, FSC is asking global partners, like us, to help raise awareness of the importance of forests and the value of certification.
With the theme #TrustTheTree, we will educate consumers on the social and environmental benefits of certification, and on FSC’s mission to ensure Forests for, all, forever.
As consumers look to actively contribute to the fight against the climate crisis and biodiversity loss, this campaign aims to show them an easy way to do so: buy FSC certified products.