The meaning of blue


Blu is one of the colors considered the “safest” in the world. It is reliable, strong, authoritative, regal and calm, it is the color of control and determination and conveys responsibility and professionalism. Lighter shades are instead refreshing and friendly.

In England it is associated to sadness, when someone feels sad it is said that he is “feeling blue” and in the same way it is said about “blues” music which derives from the expression “to have the blue devils” that means being sad, agitated, depressed or in a state of suffering. In some cultures of the Near East (Greece, Turkey, Iran) blue is considered the color of protection against the evil eye; in India it is the color of inspiration and symbolizes the artistic and harmonious nature and spiritual understanding; in China and Japan it is the color of luck while in Portugal it is thought that surrounding doors and windows in blue serves to keep evil spirits away; it has different spiritual and religious connotations in a lot of western cultures: in Judaism it represents holiness and divinity in western culture it is the color of the Madonna’s mantle.

In design blue is the color for any brand that wants to appear reliable and professional and has a huge impact on the perception of the illustration.

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