The meaning of orange


Orange is a color that stimulates enthusiasm, fantasy and creativity, but it also expresses inner harmony and peace of mind as it possesses anti-stress properties and is able to relax the nerves. It is bright, funny, friendly and playful.

It is associated with summer, an eventful and happy time of the year in which you want to be outdoors, but also with the typical color of autumn leaves, due to this bond whit the changing of the seasons it also assume the meaning of change.

It is the sacred color for Hindus, in India it is the expression of the sacredness of fire and the ancient writers considered orange as the color of wisdom and reasoning; in the east it symbolizes happiness, love and humility, buddhist monks wear it because, in addition to al these positive virtues, it represents salvation; in Japan it comunicate closeness, friendship and confidence.

In design it is able of attracting attention without being intrusive or annoying, it is instead considered welcoming, inviting and less aggressive than red. If your brand is dynamic, creative, energetic, available and suitable for everyone, say it using orange!

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