un passo dopo l'altro

Un passo dopo l’altro (Step by Step)



Giancarlo Giantin presents his beautiful book entitled “Un passo dopo l’altro”. A book of memories that are discovered through the almost 250 dense pages of memories and images. To Giancarlo, an entrepreneur known and respected throughout the Riviera del Brenta (and beyond), it must be acknowledged the great merit of having had the courage to create a book that did not fall into easy rhetoric, but was a real book , like his personality.

A great help to achieve this result must be recognized to Vittorio Pampagnin, to whom Giancarlo entrusted the task of collecting his memories. The pages of the book that follow one after another tell many life stories that Giancarlo carries in his heart: images that are far from but also close to the soldiers camped on the banks of the Brenta during the war, the memories of school, the journeys to Europe, Asia, North Cape, the family with the inseparable and beloved wife Lina, friends and work. Already, the work on the box factory that Giancarlo took in hand by his beloved uncle Sandro who in 1968 no longer felt able to carry on. “It was a great responsibility – says Giancarlo – but I wasn’t scared. I decided to bring a breath of renewal to the company and started with the apparently more banal one; I called it Duegi, a short acronym that expressed the initials of my name and surname: the calendar marked the first of January 1969. A new adventure had just begun “. An adventure that has led the Duegi box factory to become over time one of the best companies in the field for quality and innovation and that continues its journey thanks to the contribution of Nicola and Piergiorgio, sons of Giancarlo and Lina.

“This year is the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of the box factory,” concludes Nicola Giantin. “Soon we will organize a big party during which we will visit the company putting into operation the latest generation machines. We will show how the boxes are built, trying to convey to our guests the emotion they feel creating a product that has become important in the market for its extraordinary versatility. We put the dress on the product, generating the famous surprise effect because presentation is marketing and the container that houses the product inside is the heart and vehicle of your business”.

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